[Samba] Serverinfo Error

Rowland penny rpenny at samba.org
Wed Aug 21 06:58:46 UTC 2019

On 20/08/2019 23:23, Robert A Wooldridge via samba wrote:
> I finally got around to doing this and I'm getting python errors 
> again.  Using Debian Buster but Samba unstable which is version 
> 4.9.11.  Here's the error when I try to join the domain:
Unless things have changed, you are trying to join against a Windows 
2003 DC that either has no DNS records in AD, or borked (from the Samba 
point of view) DNS records. When you joined a Samba DC last time, you 
had to stop the join command from trying to add the DCs dns records 
before the join would complete, so you will need to do the same again 
and then fix your AD dns records.

There is a possibility that you could fix your Windows 2003 dns first 
before the join, but I fear this would involve upgrading it.


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