[Samba] samba dlz. bind9 nslookup is wrong

Rowland penny rpenny at samba.org
Mon Aug 5 11:28:04 UTC 2019

On 05/08/2019 11:53, Patrik wrote:
> the    file "/etc/bind/zones/enp1s0f3/patrikx3.com 
> <http://patrikx3.com/>"; are my domain names A, AAAA, CNAME-s, that is 
> where i store then, there is know AD records at all. it is all DLZ.
> *_
> _*

If 'patrikx3.com' is a registered dns domain name, then you should have 
used a subdomain of this for the AD dns domain.

The file you refer to is a FLATFILE and you SHOULDN'T be storing your AD 
dns records there and it ISN'T bind9_dlz.


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