[Samba] Problems Transferring FSMO Roles

Marcio Demetrio Bacci marciobacci at gmail.com
Sun Aug 4 15:54:32 UTC 2019


>I take it that Administrator exists (hasn't been renamed or removed) and
you are using the correct password,
Administrator exists and marcio too. Passwords is correct:

 samba-tool fsmo transfer --role=domaindns -Uadministrator
* The 'domaindns' role does not have an FSMO roleowner

samba-tool fsmo transfer --role=domaindns -'U administrator'
* The 'domaindns' role does not have an FSMO roleowner

 samba-tool fsmo transfer --role=domaindns -Umarcio
* The 'domaindns' role does not have an FSMO roleowner

> I also hope that you haven't given Administrator a uidNumber attribute.

Administrator haven't uidNumber attribute


Márcio Bacci

Em dom, 4 de ago de 2019 às 12:17, Rowland penny via samba <
samba at lists.samba.org> escreveu:

> On 04/08/2019 15:21, Marcio Demetrio Bacci via samba wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > This way don't works too.
> >
> > root at samba4-dc:~# samba-tool fsmo transfer --role=forestdns
> -Uadministrator
> > Password for [EMPRESA\administrator]:
> > ERROR: Failed to add role 'forestdns': LDAP error 53
> > LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM -  <000020AE: SvcErr: DSID-03152BF7, problem
> 5003
> > (WILL_NOT_PERFORM), data 0
> Well that is how it is supposed to work, in fact, if you enter
> 'samba-tool fsmo transfer --help' it prints amongst the output:
> --role=ROLE           The FSMO role to seize or transfer.
>                          .......................
>                          .....................
>                          .................
>                          ..............
>                          domaindns=DomainDnsZonesMasterRole
>                          forestdns=ForestDnsZonesMasterRole all=all of the
>                          above  You must provide an Admin user and
> password.
> So, even though it shouldn't matter, try it with '-U Administrator'
> I take it that Administrator exists (hasn't been renamed or removed) and
> you are using the correct password, I also hope that you haven't given
> Administrator a uidNumber attribute.
> Rowland
> --
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