[Samba] Intermittent Authentication Errors

Matthew Delfino mdelfino.list.samba at KNOCKinc.com
Tue Sep 18 17:19:35 UTC 2018

Hello Samba People,

We have a Kerio Connect (email) server using Samba 4.8.5 as it’s directory service (3 AD DCs). We’ve been using this setup for about 3 years now.

Over the last several months, we’ve been trying to find out why Samba starts rejecting attempts that the Kerio Connect mail server makes to authenticate our users. The errors in Kerio look like this:

Authentication failed for user joe.schmoe at domain.com. Attempt from IP address External authentication service rejected authentication due to invalid password or authentication restriction.

This will repeat about 40 times for 40 different users over the course of, say 5 minutes or as long as 20 minutes (in which case, it might affect all 130 users). Then, it just stops.

Now, this could be Kerio’s fault. So, I’m exploring all my options. A Kerio Connect server sends a lot of authentication requests per minute - like, sometimes 100 to 140. But I was wondering if anyone knows of any configuration settings I might be able to tweak on my DCs to make them more welcoming of rapid authentication requests?

Thank you!

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