[Samba] Network Meltdown after Samba 4.9.0 Upgrade

Reuben Farrelly reuben-samba at reub.net
Sat Sep 15 12:13:29 UTC 2018

On 15/09/2018 10:04 pm, Rowland Penny via samba wrote:
>> Regardless of if the config was right or not (I agree that the
>> setting in my case was wrong and unnecessary), this is a regression,
>> because it causes an unexpected and undocumented change in behaviour
>> compared to previous versions of the code.
>> I also wonder why network broadcasts don't seem to be rate limited by
>> Samba.  I can't imagine any valid use case where any application
>> would blast thousands of broadcasts per second out onto the wire,
>> regardless of the configuration or misconfiguration of the
>> application.
>> At the very least this needs a mention in the release notes,
>> especially given the potential this has to cause an outage.  Things
>> may have changed (and change is usually good), but the least that can
>> be done is people are given a one line heads up.
> The problem is, it wasn't a know problem and we still don't know if it
> is something that is just applicable to your network, so how how do you
> warn people about something that you don't expect to happen. It is easy
> to be wise after the fact ;-)

Indeed and understood.  I'm happy to help debug this, it's easy for me 
to reproduce on demand here in my home environment.

Let me know what, if anything, I can do to help.


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