[Samba] Extending the AD schema - Cannot see attributes in RSAT

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Fri Sep 14 18:04:42 UTC 2018

On Fri, 14 Sep 2018 14:40:38 -0300
Vladimir via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:

> Hy Guys,
> I am trying to migrate to samba 4 and I need some help. So, I have a
> samba running with samba 3 and LDAP.  Today I use my samba for auth
> of my e-mail, file server and several other applications. I use a WEB
> based LDAP administration program called goSA.

Gosa is old and I am not sure it is maintained any more, but there is a
fork available: fusion directory.

> I have Installed samba 4.8.4 on a test machine and create some users,
> the problem is, to keep my email and all functionality that I have
> today, I need to create some classes and attributes in samba.
> Before you ask, I have set the 'dsdb:schema update allowed = true' on
> smb.conf, I could create the class and attribute using the MMC to
> update the schema on windows, and I added the classes that I created
> as subclasses of the 'User' class.
> The problem is, I cannot see my created atributes on RSAT ADUC. I
> have set the option to show advanced resources, but when I select the
> TAB with the attributes editor, my newly created attributes are not
> there. I have tried to create new users, but the result is the same.
> Am I missing something?? I know that I can set the values of the
> attributes using LDIF, and I have done it successfully, but I want a
> interface to my daily work, Is it possible to use custom atributes on
> samba 4.8.4, and make them visible on RSAT ADUC???

Not as far as I am aware, ADUC was written around Active Directory and
I doubt Microsoft really cares about any other package.
You could try using something like zentyal.

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