[Samba] Server-Side Copy Offload Limitations

Ralph Böhme slow at samba.org
Tue Sep 4 08:12:31 UTC 2018

On Mon, Sep 03, 2018 at 12:25:16PM +0200, Adam Błaszczykowski via samba wrote:
>Server-Side Copy Offload wiki page states in Limitations section that
>   - Both source and destination files must reside on the same Samba share!
>I was able to copy file between different shares located on the same zfs
>Pool without generating network traffic. Shares were created on Debian 8
>with zfs filesystem and client was Windows Server 2016 machine mapping
>shares as separate drives. Is it new functionality or I'm misunderstanding
>something about server-side copy?

it's new functionality that has been added in 4.6.


Ralph Boehme, Samba Team       https://samba.org/
Samba Developer, SerNet GmbH   https://sernet.de/en/samba/
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