[Samba] Server-Side Copy Offload Limitations

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Tue Sep 4 08:07:41 UTC 2018

On Tue, 4 Sep 2018 09:09:14 +0200
Adam Błaszczykowski <adam.blaszczykowski at gmail.com> wrote:

> Sorry if config was messy, 

It wasn't that it was messy, it was that it looked like you had grepped
all the default lines from 'man smb.conf', this made it virtually
unreadable ;-)

> we were using this server for various
> tests including ADS tests and n-way master replication. Back on topic,
> I've done changes to configuration as you suggested.

You can prune it even further by removing the remaining default lines:

    workgroup = WORKGROUP # You can remove this if your workgroup is 'WORKGROUP'
    server string = TestServer
    security = user
    server role = standalone
    vfs objects = acl_xattr shadow_copy2 fileid
    fileid:mapping = fsid
    log level = 2
    log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
    max log size = 6000
    local master = no
    preferred master = no
    domain master = no
    invalid users = root
    map to guest = Bad User
    force unknown acl user = yes
    create mask = 0777
    directory mask = 0777
    printcap cache time = 0
    unix extensions = no
    shadow: snapdir = .zfs/snapshot
    shadow: sort = desc
    shadow: format = autosnap_%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S
    shadow: localtime = yes
    veto files = /.nfs/._.DS_Store/:2eFBCLockFolder/.FBCLockFolder/:2eFBCIndex/.FBCIndex/:2eDS_Store/.DS_Store/TheVolumeSettingsFolder/TheFindByContentFolder/Temporary Items/Network Trash Folder/.AppleDB/:2eVolumeIcon.icns/.VolumeIcon.icns/Icon?/.Ap$
    smb2 leases = no
    fruit:resource = file
    fruit:metadata = netatalk
    fruit:locking = netatalk
    fruit:encoding = native
    #idmap config * : backend = autorid
    #idmap config * : range = 1000000-19999999
    #idmap config * : rangesize = 1000000
    # Above turned off because you don't need winbind
    # on a standalone server

    case sensitive=no
    guest ok=yes
    read only=no
    guest only=yes
    inherit permissions=yes

    case sensitive=no
    guest ok=yes
    read only=no
    guest only=yes
    inherit permissions=yes

> Runing debian as
> standalone server with beforementioned enviroment I can still copy
> files between shares on the same pool without pushing them through
> Windows client. Is this intended behavior?

It certainly doesn't look like it, care to share just how you are
doing this ?

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