[Samba] winbindd crashing -- how to auto-heal?

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Mon Sep 3 15:05:37 UTC 2018

On Mon, 3 Sep 2018 10:35:38 -0400
Jamie Jackson <jamiejaxon at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 3, 2018 at 5:17 AM Rowland Penny via samba <
> samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
> > Why isn't 'smbd' running ?
> >
> I didn't set this up, but I assume the sysadmins didn't run it because
> they, like Luca, probably assumed that smbd was for server
> functionality (to provide services to clients), whereas, AFAIK, our
> hosts only act as clients. Could you explain how smbd fits into this
> when the hosts are consuming remote services (but presumably not
> providing any)?

I take it the 'sysadmins' are more used to administrating Windows, if
so, just ask them if they would turn SMB off on a Windows PC.
> > Is 'nmbd' running ?
> >
> Doesn't look like it:
> [jamie.jackson at rwhudxdkrdev ~]$ systemctl -a | grep
> '\(smb\|samba\|sssd\|winbind\|nmb\)'
> ● nmb.service
>                                        not-found inactive dead
> nmb.service
>   winbind.service
>                                        loaded    active   running
> Samba Winbind Daemon

As I said earlier, you only need nmbd if you need network browsing.

> > Why aren't you running 'winbind' as a daemon ?
> >
> No clue, but here's what I found in systemd:
> [jamie.jackson at rwhudxdkrdev ~]$
> cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/winbind.service [Unit]
> Description=Samba Winbind Daemon
> After=syslog.target network.target nmb.service
> [Service]
> Environment=KRB5CCNAME=FILE:/run/samba/krb5cc_samba
> Type=notify
> NotifyAccess=all
> PIDFile=/run/winbindd.pid
> EnvironmentFile=-/etc/sysconfig/samba
> ExecStart=/usr/sbin/winbindd --foreground --no-process-group
> ExecReload=/usr/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
> LimitCORE=infinity
> [Install]
> WantedBy=multi-user.target

Not really up to date with systemd (I do not use it), but I would
remove '--foreground --no-process-group', this would allow winbind to
run normally. I would also check the smbd service file, you need to
the Samba binaries as deamons.
> > Why do feel you don't need a process group for winbind ?
> >
> I'm not the implementor (but I can pass your questions on to that
> group). However, if I were to guess: The implementors probably aren't
> trying to be creative or contrary. I figure they probably found a
> solution that seemed to (mostly) work--maybe many years ago--and they
> might not know exactly how to implement AD integration in RHEL
> according to best practice.

It shouldn't really matter what the OS is, you just need to run it in
an accepted way, yours isn't.

> At this point, it might make more sense to throw out the current
> configuration (since I'm gleaning from your questions that it's
> unorthodox) and start fresh, but let's see what your impressions are
> after the latest bits of info above.

I personally do not use the autorid backend, the 'ad' & 'rid' backends
have always been enough for me and I think they may be sufficient for
you, the only problem would be the Unix IDs.


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