[Samba] Accentuated characters issue when receiving attributes from "samba user syncpasswords"

Lapin Blanc fabien.toune at lapin-blanc.com
Wed Mar 28 13:52:31 UTC 2018

I receive stdin input from "samba user syncpasswords" in my python script.
The user is created with ' Active Directory Users and Computers', and have
some accentuated characters in their givenName and/or familyName (sn)
When parsing the diff, the CN reads of, but weird characters appears in the
attributes instead of the right name :

INFO:root:DN found: CN=Arsène Lupin,CN=Users,DC=educonsult,DC=intra
INFO:root:Attribute found: cn: = QXJzw6huZSBMdXBpbg==
INFO:root:Attribute found: sn = Lupin
INFO:root:Attribute found: givenName: = QXJzw6huZQ==
INFO:root:Attribute found: displayName: = QXJzw6huZSBMdXBpbg==
INFO:root:Attribute found: name: = QXJzw6huZSBMdXBpbg==
INFO:root:Attribute found: objectGUID = c20847ee-963b-4d70-9c5c-a4e5458745f4
INFO:root:Attribute found: objectSid =
INFO:root:Attribute found: sAMAccountName = arsene.lupin

When using regular characters, everything is fine.

Any help would be welcome...

Fabien Toune

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