[Samba] preparing to upgrade 4.6.7 to current

Robert Wooden bob at donelsontrophy.com
Sun Feb 25 13:49:48 UTC 2018

I am preparing to upgrade from 4.6.7 (from source) to current 4.7.5.

I have completed other version upgrades in the past and have not
experienced this event. I have two (2) DC running as domain controllers
properly replicating each to each other.

On the (non-FSMO) DC I ran this to check the db and got:
root at dc07:~# samba-tool dbcheck --cross-ncs
Checking 3546 objects
NOTE: old (due to rename or delete) DN string component for lastKnownParent
in object CN=Machine\0ADEL:4e73603c-eea4-49cc-948a-328ad890f046,CN=Deleted
Objects,DC=dtshrm,DC=dt -
Not fixing old string component

When I run the "--fix" I got this:
root at dc07:~# samba-tool dbcheck --cross-ncs --fix
Checking 3546 objects
NOTE: old (due to rename or delete) DN string component for lastKnownParent
in object CN=Machine\0ADEL:4e73603c-eea4-49cc-948a-328ad890f046,CN=Deleted
Objects,DC=dtshrm,DC=dt -
Change DN to
Objects,DC=dtshrm,DC=dt? [y/N/all/none]
Not fixing old string component

There are four of these "NOTE: old (due to rename or delete) . . ." events
in total to correct. I am only listing one here for brevity. For now, I
have accepted the default "N" answer and left things alone (for all four
events.) My first question is simply what is happening here and should I
simply answer "yes" to correct each incident? I am unsure how to proceed
because I am uncertain what these "NOTE: old (due to rename or delete) . .
." events mean?


Thank you.

Bob Wooden

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