[Samba] RHEL7/Centos7 with Samba AD
Nico Kadel-Garcia
nkadel at gmail.com
Sat Dec 8 04:32:38 UTC 2018
On Thu, Dec 6, 2018 at 2:35 PM Vincent S. Cojot via samba
<samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
> So, IMHO RHEL7/Centos7 does just fine in a Samba AD/DC setup either as
> clients or DCs. I still have a few details to work out (how to move the
> Samba servers from local auth to AD auth, etc.. mostly because it's not
> my area of expertise) but it's been working fine for me so far.
> The only area of concern on el7 is to find a -reliable- Samba RPM builder
> for el7. So far, I've tried:
> - TranquilIT - https://dev.tranquil.it/wiki/Samba4
> Their latest 4.8.x rpms are stuck on 4.8.5 and they don't provide
> source rpms unless you complain a lot.
> - http://azzurro.ezplanet.net : Seems pretty much out of updates
> - http://wing-net.ddo.jp/wing : Web page still up but I've been unable to
> pull down rpms from them for months.
> Any non-inflamatory comments are welcome! :)
There is my toolchain over at https://github.com/nkadel/samba4repo/ .
I've found that Samba 4.9 with the domain controller requires gnutls
4.3.7 or better, which makes a *big* problem for RHEL 7. But you're
welcome to play with the tools and set up a samba-4.8.x branch.
The recent complete switchover from python 2 to python3 is going to
cause even more problems. The SCLO python packages are quite painful
and short of critical modules, which makes a huge toolchain build to
assemble them, and the python36 now in EPEL did not work well for me
last time I tried. Frankly, RHEL 8 is overdue with gnutls updates and
better python 3 support.
> Vincent
> --
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