[Samba] NT3.x -> AD: accounts and profiles

Marcio Vogel Merlone dos Santos marcio.merlone at a1.ind.br
Mon Aug 27 19:59:50 UTC 2018

Em 27/08/2018 10:31, Marco Gaiarin via samba escreveu:
> Mandi! Marcio Vogel Merlone dos Santos via samba
>    In chel di` si favelave...
>> run the profiles tool:
> The 'profile' manpage say:
> 	It currently only supports NT.
> so probably it is needed to change the SID in the old domain, before
> migration?!
Not sure what you mean, I run the tool over the profile as it is on the 
old domain _before_ loading into a workstation (login). You cannot 
change the SID on a profile for a new domain on the old one.

I make a copy on the new server and there I run the tool as I believe is 
supposed to, correct me if I am wrong. Anyway, errors remain on tool and 
is not usable by now.

Best regards,

*Marcio Merlone*

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