[Samba] Samba Debian Packages Wheezy 4.7.7

Achim Gottinger achim at ag-web.biz
Tue Apr 17 15:48:08 UTC 2018

Hello List,

I maintain an private backport of samba for debian wheezy. Tried to 
integrate all appliable changes from the debian sid repo till 4.7.5. For 
4.7.6 and 4.7.7 i only bumped the source packages.
The packages do not require any packages from wheezy backports. 
Therefore I did not integrate glusterfs, cephfs and snapper support.
Using it on production on an dozen wheezy servers here since a few years.
In case someone is interested i uploaded my repo to github. Source and 
binary packages are all in the debian folder but things are unsigned 
because i do not own an gpg key.



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