[Samba] backup-script/backup_samba4

Arnaud FLORENT aflorent at iris-tech.fr
Fri Apr 13 15:54:12 UTC 2018


i am testing Louis van Belle backup script. it works quite well. Thank 
you for sharing this!


but i think there is an error in the KEEP_DAYS code as the string 
is not interpolated so the egrep does exclude anything from rm call. So 
no files older than $DAYS are kept...

# Remove any files over $DAYS days old from backup dir, keep the 
$KEEP_DAY1 and $KEEP_DAY2 of the month.
if [ ${KEEP_DAYS} = "yes" ]; then
     ${DEBUG} "Deleting any backup files over ${DAYS} days old, keeping 
date $KEEP_DAY1 and $KEEP_DAY2 of the month."
     ${CMD_FIND} ${STOREDIR} -name "*.bz2" -mtime +${DAYS} -type f 
-print | xargs -0 | egrep -v '\-$KEEP_DAY1\-|\-$KEEP_DAY2-' | xargs 
${CMD_RM} >/dev/null 2>&1

should be

if [ ${KEEP_DAYS} = "yes" ]; then
     ${DEBUG} "Deleting any backup files over ${DAYS} days old, keeping 
date $KEEP_DAY1 and $KEEP_DAY2 of the month."
     ${CMD_FIND} ${STOREDIR} -name "*.bz2" -mtime +${DAYS} -type f 
-print | xargs -0 | egrep -v "\-$KEEP_DAY1\-|\-$KEEP_DAY2\-" | xargs 
${CMD_RM} >/dev/null 2>&1

I hope this is the right place to report.

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