[Samba] Share users across domains

Rodrigo Abrantes Antunes rodrigoantunes at pelotas.ifsul.edu.br
Mon Apr 2 14:54:14 UTC 2018

  I don't think microsoft plans to do this with Windows 7, and yes we  
don't have money to buy windows 10, thats Brazil guys.

Citando Rowland Penny <rpenny at samba.org>:

> On Mon, 02 Apr 2018 14:15:40 +0000
> Rodrigo Abrantes Antunes <rodrigoantunes at pelotas.ifsul.edu.br> wrote:
>> I know these systems work with AD, the problem is the migration, I
>> don't think is easy to migrate 5000 accounts from current systems to
>> new systems. I will need to learn the sintaxes of all these new
>> systems and this would take huge time because I know nothing of
>> samba4, or AD, or dovecot, or kerberos and the boss whants the
>> emails for students for next month. We don't plan to change
>> cyrus/postfix and horde, whats the problem with them? I already tried
>> kopano and the users hated it. And like I said there are a lot of
>> internal administrative systems that were programmed (not by me) to
>> work with ldap only, including some that are not opensource. A while
>> ago I did research on how to migrate my current domain to samba4 and
>> from what I understand it would be almost impossible or too difficult
>> for my scenario
> I know that at least one of the other Samba-team members wants to
> retain the use of NT4-style domains, but Microsoft seems to be trying
> to ensure that they go away. Microsoft stopped supporting NT domains
> over 10 years ago and bit by bit they seem to be removing the
> ability to use windows with them. You might find that one day, after
> a windows update, your domain doesn't work with your windows machines
> any more and then what will you do ?
> Far better to migrate to Samba AD now, whilst you are not being forced
> to in a rush, but it is your decision and you will have to account for
> it, if/when it all goes wrong.
> Rowland
Rodrigo Abrantes Antunes
Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense

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