[Samba] samba getting stuck, highwatermark replication issue?

mj lists at merit.unu.edu
Tue Oct 10 07:14:15 UTC 2017

Hi James,

Thanks for the quick reply.

On 10/09/2017 08:52 PM, lingpanda101 via samba wrote:

> You should be able to fix the 'replPropertyMetaData' errors with;
> samba-tool dbcheck --cross-ncs --fix --yes 
> 'fix_replmetadata_unsorted_attid'
Yep, worked great! Fixed all of those replPropertyMetaData errors! :-)

> The highwatermark doesn't necessarily reflect an issue. It's part of how 
> the destination DC keeps track of changes from the source DC. Can you 
> verify the time and date is correct on all DC's?
Date & time matches. But the fact that the same identical message is 
logged multiple times per second, without an end seems a bit strange... 
Combined with high cpu usage on the DC where this happens. (yesterday 
DC2, currently on DC4)

> The GUID errors seem related to your old DC offline and NTDS connections 
> still lingering.  Open Microsoft Sites and Services and remove the ones 
> no longer needed.
There is no DC1 mentioned anywhere there. And the two errors remain:

> ERROR: no target object found for GUID component for msDS-NC-Replica-Locations in object CN=84bea0a7-82dd-4237-9296-030573700698,CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,DC=samba,DC=merit,DC=unu,DC=edu - <GUID=81a27497-bdfb-4977-9874-675bbfba490f>;<RMD_ADDTIME=130405075610000000>;<RMD_CHANGETIME=130405075610000000>;<RMD_FLAGS=0>;<RMD_INVOCID=556b2cb4-e576-48e2-bb7c-7f62caee84fc>;<RMD_LOCAL_USN=4605>;<RMD_ORIGINATING_USN=3630>;<RMD_VERSION=0>;CN=NTDS Settings,CN=DC1,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=samba,DC=merit,DC=unu,DC=edu
> Not removing dangling forward link
> ERROR: no target object found for GUID component for msDS-NC-Replica-Locations in object CN=d9d76e21-8cae-457d-b212-6cb192612739,CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,DC=samba,DC=merit,DC=unu,DC=edu - <GUID=81a27497-bdfb-4977-9874-675bbfba490f>;<RMD_ADDTIME=130405075610000000>;<RMD_CHANGETIME=130405075610000000>;<RMD_FLAGS=0>;<RMD_INVOCID=556b2cb4-e576-48e2-bb7c-7f62caee84fc>;<RMD_LOCAL_USN=4579>;<RMD_ORIGINATING_USN=3631>;<RMD_VERSION=0>;CN=NTDS Settings,CN=DC1,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=samba,DC=merit,DC=unu,DC=edu
> Not removing dangling forward link

I was asked a question during the samba-tool dbcheck:

> Add yourself to the replica locations for DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=samba,DC=company,DC=com? [y/N/all/none] N
> Not fixing missing/incorrect attributes on DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=samba,DC=company,DC=com
> Add yourself to the replica locations for DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=samba,DC=company,DC=com? [y/N/all/none] N
> Not fixing missing/incorrect attributes on DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=samba,DC=company,DC=com

Should I answer Yes to those two questions?


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