[Samba] kerberos issue (SPN not found) with windows Hyper-V ( samba 4.5.3 AD)

Kacper Wirski k.wirski at babkamedica.pl
Sat Mar 18 13:03:03 UTC 2017

I made some progress with the issue, but didn't solve it completely

It's basically a kind of bug (i'm not sure if it's on kerberos side or 
samba, I think samba is the culprit here (?).

Microsoft uses kind of weird SPN for Hyper-V. Weird as there are 
"spaces" in the string - which is kind of unique as far as SPN's go, 
usually SPN form a complete string.

So I kind of just tried the simplest solution:

The workaround/fix is this:

In AD for each Hyper-V host account (machine account that is) in 
servicePrincipalName attribute  as such:

Hyper-V\ Replica\ Service/<NetbiosName>
Hyper-V\ Replica\ Service/<FQDN>
Microsoft\ Virtual\ Console\ Service/<NetbiosName>
Microsoft\ Virtual\ Console\ Service/FQDN>
Microsoft\ Virtual\ System\ Migration\ Service/<NetbiosName>
Microsoft \Virtual\ System\ Migration\ Service/FQDN>

I edited with ADUC from RSAT suite, but I guess any method will work 
(samba-tool add spn or windows "setspn -S".

So basically just add \ after each part of SPN which precedes " ". With 
this settings hyper-v replica and live migration from SOURCE HOST work, 
but i'm stuck at Constrained Delegation.

I moved my test setup to windows server 2016 and windows server 2016 
hyper-v (free).

Constrained delegation is setup (with SPN's set as above), protocol in 
hyper-v is set to Kerberos, constrained delegations are used in accord 
to WIndow sserver 2016 specific (in ADUC -> machine account -> 
delegation -> use specific services with ANY PROTOCOL / in pre-2016 it 
was Kerberos Only/ -> choose hosts and SPN's as set above).

When I'm doing live migration for VM, when logged in at source host it 
works perfectly
When i'm trying to live migrate VM from remote hyper-v to the one i'm 
logged in I get authentication error. The weirdest thing is the samba 
log, it boggles my mind and if anyone has any idea I'll be very thankful

notes: BMSRV2$ is machine added to domain with Hyper-V with all spn's 
and settings
kacper_wirski is DOMAIN USER account
and in the log there is clearly: "
/Kerberos: Server not found in database: kacper_wirski at MYDOMAIN.COM.XYZ: 
No such entry in the database/*

*Which is absurd, as obviously this account exists and is all well and 
fine. Relevant samba log below. When i do from console kinit 
kacper_wirski at MYDOMAIN.COM.XYZ i have no trouble obtaining ticket etc. 
Maybe constrained delegation should be setup differently (i.e. microsoft 
guidelines should be implemented differently for samba AD?).
I tried with different DOMAIN ADMIN account on different host and exact 
same issue with same error in log (root at MYDOMAIN.COM.XYZ: No such entry 
in the database)
  Kerberos: TGS-REQ BMSRV2$@MYDOMAIN.COM.XYZ from ipv4: 
for kacper_wirski at MYDOMAIN.COM.XYZ [canonicalize, renewable, forwardable]
[2017/03/18 13:24:37.782732,  3] 
   Kerberos: samba_kdc_fetch: message2entry failed
[2017/03/18 13:24:37.782776,  3] 
   Kerberos: Searching referral for kacper_wirski
[2017/03/18 13:24:37.782800,  3] 
   Kerberos: Server not found in database: 
kacper_wirski at MYDOMAIN.COM.XYZ: No such entry in the database
[2017/03/18 13:24:37.782819,  3] 
   Kerberos: Failed building TGS-REP to ipv4:
[2017/03/18 13:24:37.784201,  3] 
ipv4: for kacper_wirski at MYDOMAIN.COM.XYZ [canonicalize, 
renewable, forwardable]
[2017/03/18 13:24:37.785264,  3] 
   Kerberos: samba_kdc_fetch: message2entry failed
[2017/03/18 13:24:37.785308,  3] 
   Kerberos: Searching referral for kacper_wirski
[2017/03/18 13:24:37.785332,  3] 
   Kerberos: Server not found in database: 
kacper_wirski at MYDOMAIN.COM.XYZ: No such entry in the database
[2017/03/18 13:24:37.785352,  3] 
   Kerberos: Failed building TGS-REP to ipv4:

Dnia 2017-03-16 12:17 Kacper Wirski via samba napisał(a):


    I've setup over 6 months ago samba 4 AD on centos 7.3 (self compiled
    from source). Up until now I didn't encounter any undocumented errors. I
    have 3 DC's (all samba 4.5.3) which are working pretty nice with over 60
    windows clients.

    The issue I've stumbled upon is when I added Windows server Hyper-V
    hosts to the domain. Tried with Hyper-V from 2012, 2012r2 and new 2016 -
    all exact same problem.

    I've searched and googled and found one old topic with the same issue in
    samba lists, but no help was given, but also - not enough info was

    The main issue is that Hyper-v Hosts are unable to authenticate each
    other using kerberos for live migration and replication (only two
    features that require kerberos) - windows host gives well documented
    error, that it's unable to authenticate using kerberos.

    I've gathered all the logs, which I think explain the issue quite
    clearly and hopefully someone will be able to give a viable solution.

    domain/realm let's call it:
    mydomain.com.xyz @ MYDOMAIN.COM.XYZ
    hyper-v hosts:
    BM-SRV-5 and BMSRV-WIN10 (both with windows server 2016 standard with
    hyper-v host role installed)
    DC1, DC2, DC3 are my 3 domain controllers (names not really original
    :) )

    Microsoft Hyper-V requires specific SPN's registered for hosts:

    *Microsoft Virtual Console Service**
    **Hyper-V Replica Service**
    **Microsoft Virtual System Migration Service*

    The SPN's should be automatically registered in the AD machine account
    by the windows, but this fails with windows error 14050. This error is
    well documented, but none of the solutions helped, and I think the error
    is with samba AD as I'll try to explain.

    I added the SPN's manually via windows setpsn (for both hyper-v hosts
    of course, mydomain.com.xyz is of course bogus name, real domain is
    something different)

    /setspn -S "Hyper-V Replica Service/BMSRV-WIN10" BMSRV-WIN10//
    //setspn -S "Hyper-V Replica Service/BMSRV-WIN10.mydomain.com.xyz"
    //setspn -S "Microsoft Virtual System Migration Service/BMSRV-WIN10"
    //setspn -S "Microsoft Virtual System Migration
    Service/BMSRV-WIN10.mydomain.com.xyz" BMSRV-WIN10//
    //setspn -S "Microsoft Virtual Console Service/BMSRV-WIN10"
    //setspn -S "Microsoft Virtual Console
    Service/BMSRV-WIN10.mydomain.com.xyz" BMSRV-WIN10//
    Both windows and samba when queried show correct SPN's:
    output of windows query:

    spn -l BMSRV-WIN10

    Registered ServicePrincipalNames for
    Hyper-V Replica Service/BMSRV-WIN10
    Hyper-V Replica Service/BMSRV-WIN10.mydomain.com.xyz
    Microsoft Virtual Console Service/BMSRV-WIN10
    Microsoft Virtual Console Service/BMSRV-WIN10.mydomain.com.xyz
    Microsoft Virtual System Migration Service/BMSRV-WIN10
    Microsoft Virtual System Migration Service/BMSRV-WIN10.mydomain.com.xyz

    output of samba-tool query:
    samba-tool spn list BMSRV-WIN10$

    samba-tool spn list BMSRV-WIN10$
    schema_fsmo_init: we are master[no] updates allowed[no]
    User CN=BMSRV-WIN10,CN=Computers,DC=mydomain,DC=com,DC=xyz has the
    following servicePrincipalName:
    Hyper-V Replica Service/BMSRV-WIN10
    Hyper-V Replica Service/BMSRV-WIN10.mydomain.com.xyz
    Microsoft Virtual Console Service/BMSRV-WIN10
    Microsoft Virtual Console Service/BMSRV-WIN10.mydomain.com.xyz
    Microsoft Virtual System Migration Service/BMSRV-WIN10
    Microsoft Virtual System Migration

    It looks all fine and well (the SPN names are 100% correct verified).

    For the hyper-v features to work (replica and live migration) with
    kerberos I need to setup delegation (it's set - verified it a milion
    times over it's set the right way, just like MS wants it).

    I know that I can obtain tickets to other SPN
    (from windows: *klist cifs/BMSRV-WIN10* grants me a valid ticket for

    Now cometh the error:
    When I try to run hyper-v replica it fails with error concerning
    kerberos and SPN not being there

    Log from samba DC3 (when trying to start Hyper-V replica from BM-SRV-5
    to BMSRV-WIN.10)

    Kerberos: TGS-REQ BM-SRV-5$@MYDOMAIN.COM.XYZ from
    ipv4: for Hyper-V\ Replica\
    Service/BMSRV-WIN10.mydomain.com.xyz at MYDOMAIN.COM.XYZ [canonicalize,
    renewable, forwardable]
    [2017/03/16 10:55:07.246904, 4]
    LDB_lookup_spn_alias: no alias for service Hyper-V Replica Service
    [2017/03/16 10:55:07.246971, 3]
    Kerberos: Searching referral for BMSRV-WIN10.mydomain.com.xyz
    [2017/03/16 10:55:07.247028, 3]
    Kerberos: Server not found in database: Hyper-V\ Replica\
    Service/BMSRV-WIN10.mydomain.com.xyz at MYDOMAIN.COM.XYZ: no such entry
    found in hdb
    [2017/03/16 10:55:07.247053, 3]
    Kerberos: Failed building TGS-REP to ipv4:

    log from wireshark (earlier attempt but same issue, this time when
    trying to start live migration from BM-SRV-5 to BMSRV-WIN10):

    Padding: 0
    kdc-options: 40810000 (forwardable, renewable, canonicalize)
    name-type: kRB5-NT-SRV-INST (2)
    sname-string: 2 items
    SNameString: Microsoft Virtual System Migration Service
    SNameString: BMSRV-WIN10
    till: 2037-09-13 02:48:05 (UTC)
    nonce: 17847174
    etype: 5 items

    pvno: 5
    msg-type: krb-error (30)
    ctime: 2017-03-16 08:01:23 (UTC)
    cusec: 128
    stime: 2017-03-16 08:01:23 (UTC)
    susec: 66964
    error-code: eRR-S-PRINCIPAL-UNKNOWN (7)
    realm: <unspecified realm>
    name-type: kRB5-NT-UNKNOWN (0)
    sname-string: 0 items

    Same errors are when going the other way round,

    So the SPN's are clearly there (both setspn -l and samba-tool spn list
    outputs confirm that), the client sends correct request (as seen by
    wireshark and/or samba log), but suddenly samba is unable to find
    the SPN.
    I'm a complete newbie (well, sort-of) when it comes to kerberos and
    samba, but maybe because the SPN is with spaces, as it's pretty unusual,
    but that's what Microsoft wants/needs?
    I don't know, just a guess :-) . The features offered by hyper-v in AD
    are obviously beneficial and I would love to get them working.
    Any help, workaround or tip - I will be very, very thankful. If more
    info is needed I'll gladly supply logs/whatever is needed.

    Kacper Wirski

    To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
    instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba

Z poważaniem,
Kacper Wirski

tel: + 48 608 421 424

Babka Medica Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.
ul. Słomińskiego 19/517, 00-195 Warszawa
Sąd Rejonowy dla M.St. Warszawy w Warszawie XII Wydział Gospodarczy KRS
NIP 525-234-00-28



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