[Samba] Veto files used to allow only one extension to be written to the share

Tácio Andrade tacioandrade at gmail.com
Sat Mar 18 09:52:40 UTC 2017

Anyone know anything about it? I found a list with all the extensions used
by Ransomware at the moment, but they are almost 800 and with that amount I
think I will have problems using the veto files, as well as the red tape of
updating them.

Please, if anyone knows anything about it, please share.

2017-03-15 23:51 GMT-03:00 Tácio Andrade <tacioandrade at gmail.com>:

> Good night.
> I am behind a way so that in my backup share it is possible to only write
> files in the format of the application that I use to execute the backup
> routines, for this I searched the internet for a solution that works like
> Allow Files, however it is Complicated to find.
> Talking on forums a user informed me that he could use the parameter to
> follow in smb.conf, however in my tests it did not work.
> veto files = /!*.doc/
> Could anyone tell me if there really is any way to do it?
> Sincerely, Tácio Andrade. IT Consultant at MultiTI.com.br

Att. Tácio Andrade, Consultor de TI na MultiTI.com.br
Whatsapp - 077(9)8111-7727
Oi  - 073(9)8830-2419

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