[Samba] Error in https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/User_Home_Folders

Marc Muehlfeld mmuehlfeld at samba.org
Tue Mar 7 22:57:19 UTC 2017

Hi Bart,

Am 07.03.2017 um 22:47 schrieb Bart Coninckx via samba:
> I was the one suggesting the Windows 7 info.
> Please do not take these suggestions as a token of ingratitude,
 > they were a mere expression of the desire for completeness.
 > In fact, I was able to find the correct Windows 7 settings
 > by looking at the Windows 10 info.

Don't worry. I wasn't complaining about your post. You reported an 
mistake in the guide. I really appreciate this and directly fixed it in 
the doc.

My reply regarding your suggestion about having individual pages for 
each Windows version was just to tell why we should avoid this.

My frustration came up by a different comment in this thread.


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