[Samba] question on password server =

mj lists at merit.unu.edu
Thu Jun 15 11:25:06 UTC 2017


The 'discussion' with packetfence is here:

> Could you share this, offlist if needs be.

> Ah, so it is not a case of wanting to use a specific DC, but to ensure
> you can find a DC.
I guess. :-)

> As packetfence adds the line, it is probably doing it from a template
> somewhere, so if you can find this template, you should be able to
> remove this line, if you should so wish.
Yep, but I'd prefer to make packetfence better, and not just things for 
ourselfves. That's why I wanted some input/dialogue here.

I know enough, and I'll try to get the message to the packetfence 

Thanks everybody!

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