[Samba] Win 10 cannot connect with (some variations of) 'smb encrypt = desired'

Ralph Böhme slow at samba.org
Tue Jan 24 08:36:33 UTC 2017

On Fri, Dec 23, 2016 at 02:21:16PM -0600, Chad William Seys via samba wrote:
> There are some surprises when trying to connect Windows 10 (up to date circa
> Dec 2016) to Samba (4.5.2) with 'smb encrypt = desired' as a config option.
> ...
>                                     browse | select | direct
> smb encrypt (no G, no S) = ''       Y      | Y      | Y
> smb encrypt (G, no S)    = required Y[0]   | Y      | Y
> smb encrypt (no G, S)    = desired  Y[4]   | N[1]   | Y
> smb encrypt (G and S)    = desired  N[3]   | N/A    | N[2]
> smb encrypt (G, no S)    = desired  N[3]   | N/A    | N[2]

can't reproduce this. These are my findings:

                                    browse | select | direct
smb encrypt (no G, no S) = ''       Y      | Y      | Y
smb encrypt (G, no S)    = required Y      | Y      | Y
smb encrypt (no G, S)    = desired  Y      | Y      | Y
smb encrypt (G and S)    = desired  Y      | Y      | Y
smb encrypt (G, no S)    = desired  Y      | Y      | Y

This is with a Windows 10 client and Samba git master, but without the patch I
mentioned. I don't think there are differences in the code between master and
4.5.2 that could come into play here.

After every test I closed all Explorer windows, restarted Samba and checked with
smbstatus that there was no active session before running the next test.

I didn't restart the Windows client which I would have done if I got unexecpted
results, but as the above results matched my expectations I ommitted this step.


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