[Samba] Reloading smb.conf and applying changes

lingpanda101 lingpanda101 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 22 17:26:14 UTC 2017

On 12/22/2017 11:09 AM, lingpanda101 wrote:
> Hello,
>     I'm attempting to make changes to the parameter "log level =" and 
> reload my changes using "smbcontrol all reload-config" but the changes 
> are not being invoked. I need to stop/start samba completely for my 
> changes to take effect. I'm specifically trying to alter debug class 
> levels. Is there a command I should use or must I completely stop 
> samba to make these changes?  Thanks.
Digging a bit deeper I see it's one class that doesn't seem to apply 
changes for me. The dns class. Making a change to "auth_audit" or "log 
level" takes effect as soon as I increment the level without reloading.


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