[Samba] MMC issue

Christian Naumer cn at brain-biotech.de
Wed Dec 6 11:32:47 UTC 2017

Am 06.12.2017 um 12:17 schrieb Rowland Penny via samba:

> Where 'S-1-5-21-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx' is the domain SID
> and '500' is the RID. The SID should be the same on all domain
> computers: DCs, windows PCs or Unix domain members, if you are getting
> different SIDs on some machines then that machine doesn't seem to be a
> member of the AD domain.

one of those problems again...The DMs were "normally"  joined to the
domain. And two of them serve about 100 clients without problems. As we
don't use the mmc for much I'll just leave it that way.



> Rowland

Dr. Christian Naumer
Research Scientist
Plattform-Koordinator Bioprozesstechnik

B.R.A.I.N Aktiengesellschaft
Darmstaedter Str. 34-36, D-64673 Zwingenberg
e-mail cn at brain-biotech.de, homepage www.brain-biotech.de
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