[Samba] Recycle Repository Issue

L.P.H. van Belle belle at bazuin.nl
Thu Aug 31 13:18:45 UTC 2017


Now, i must say, i know nothing about freebsd or zfs. 
But try these in this order, check what you also use in you global config. 

vfs objects = zfs_space zfsac catia fruit recycle streams_xattr aio_pthread 
This should be Zfs and mac compatible. 

There was a bug which had todo with the loading order of the vfs modules. 
But if im wrong here, i hope someone on the list corrects me. 

Last, in the recycle lines, what happens if you change 
recycle:repository = /tank/recycle
recycle:repository = /tank/recycle/%U



> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: samba [mailto:samba-bounces at lists.samba.org] Namens 
> Selahattin Cilek via samba
> Verzonden: donderdag 31 augustus 2017 13:26
> Aan: samba at lists.samba.org
> Onderwerp: [Samba] Recycle Repository Issue
> I have done some searching on the Internet, but not been able 
> to find a solution to my problem. I hope you can help me with this.
> I have a server at home that runs on FreeBSD 10.3. The file 
> system is ZFS. I have two ZFS pools: tank and fun. I share my 
> ZFS file systems using Samba v4.6.2.
> When I add recycle bin functionality for a share like below, 
> it work like a charm:
> [mac]
>     path = /fun/mac
>     user = scilek
>     write list = scilek
>     writeable = yes
>     vfs objects = recycle
>     recycle:repository = .recycle
>     recycle:versions = Yes
> But when I try to gather my recycled files in another folder, 
> it does not work:
> [mac]
>     path = /fun/mac
>     user = scilek
>     write list = scilek
>     writeable = yes
>     vfs objects = recycle
>     recycle:repository = /tank/recycle
>     recycle:versions = Yes
> There are no error messages or warnings either. Why does this 
> happen? How can I solve this problem?
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