[Samba] Issues with mounting Samba shares after update

Emmanuel Florac eflorac at intellique.com
Tue Aug 29 13:34:58 UTC 2017

Le Mon, 28 Aug 2017 13:41:16 -0600
Kristian Petersen <nesretep at chem.byu.edu> écrivait:

> However, a new file server we are setting up that appears to have the
> same issue is not fixed by doing those same things making it a bit
> confusing. We have compared config files between them, and they
> appear to be the same, which makes it even more confusing.

I don't know FreeIPA, but it uses kerberos; did you join the Kerberos
realm properly? Can you get a krb ticket using 'kinit user at domain' on
the faulty server? Does "klist" lists tickets properly?

Emmanuel Florac     |   Direction technique
                    |   Intellique
                    |	<eflorac at intellique.com>
                    |   +33 1 78 94 84 02
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