[Samba] extremely low performance on Samba 4.2.14-Debian

Emmanuel Florac eflorac at intellique.com
Mon Aug 28 13:33:16 UTC 2017

Le Thu, 17 Aug 2017 09:00:22 +0100
Rowland Penny via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> écrivait:

> It doesn't have any default settings or any settings that might slow
> things down (I also do not understand the reason behind having
> smb.conf in three sections.)

Finally by using Rowland's configuration, performance went up to normal
numbers. We went as far as replacing the entire server first, in vain...

It would be interesting to know which parameters absolutely kill
performance this way!

Emmanuel Florac     |   Direction technique
                    |   Intellique
                    |	<eflorac at intellique.com>
                    |   +33 1 78 94 84 02
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