[Samba] Samba 4.6.7 for Debian Jessie and Stretch packages available.

L.P.H. van Belle belle at bazuin.nl
Wed Aug 9 12:53:37 UTC 2017

Hai everybody, 
I've updated the a few samba packages in my repo. 
Debian Jessie (repo: jessie-backports) not changed 
Debian Stretch (repo: stretch-backports) not changed

Debian Jessie (repo: jessie) not changed
Debian Stretch (repo: stretch) now has 4.6.7 

Debian Jessie    (repo: unstable) now has 4.6.7 
Debian Stretch   (repo: stretch-unstable) not changed. ( waiting for 4.7.x) 
The 4.6.7 packages has a modified patch for samba bug : S12761
You are now able to updated 32 and 64 bit drivers and remove them. 
The base for the build was the debian version 4.6.5-8 from unstable. 
My apt repo info : http://apt.van-belle.nl/ 
Usefull tips when upgrading. 
and... dont forget to read the changelogs.. 
Have fun with these. 


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