[Samba] Share access problem.

Sebastien.Boulianne at cpu.ca Sebastien.Boulianne at cpu.ca
Sat Aug 5 17:21:28 UTC 2017

Hi all,

I search A LOT before post here but I didn't find a right answer.
I can list Samba shares on a server but I CANT access the content (view, read or write).

Here is my complete config with debug steps.

######### kinit boubou; klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: boubou at DOMAIN.QC.CA

Valid starting     Expires            Service principal
04/08/17 16:03:00  05/08/17 02:03:00  krbtgt/DOMAIN.QC.CA at DOMAIN.QC.CA
        renew until 05/08/17 16:02:55

# net ads testjoin
Join is OK
# wbinfo -P
checking the NETLOGON for domain[DOMAIN] dc connection to "dc1.domain.qc.ca" succeeded

**** getent passwd + getent group work perfectly. I can list all users/groups.

# service smbd status
smbd is running.
# service nmbd status
nmbd is running.
# service winbind status
winbind is running.

# krb5.conf

# nsswitch.conf

# smb.conf

# log.winbindd

drwsrwxrwx 10 root domain users 4.0K Jun 13 16:00 site

Do you see something wrong in my config ?
How can I find what fail ?

Thanks in advance for your help!


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