[Samba] explorer.exe: no mapping between names and security ids was done

Bernie Elbourn berni421 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 3 15:16:55 UTC 2017

Howdy Rowland,

On 03/08/17 10:51, Rowland Penny via samba wrote:
> On Thu, 3 Aug 2017 09:59:44 +0100
> Bernie Elbourn via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
>> ... I just want to put this somewhere easily searchable based on the
>> users error message.
>> Upgrading a domain controller to Debian 8  (samba 3 to 4) resulted in
>> the message "no mapping between names and security ids was done" at
>> times. The message appears on the windows 7 domain pcs when running
>> explorer.exe. Also other basic things did not work: internet
>> explorer, or mapping between file types and extensions.  But only at
>> times.
>> The problem is apparent when running set in a command on the affected
>> windows pc. Look for the USERDOMAIN variable somewhere at the bottom
>> of the list. It is not set to the real domain name. In my case it was
>> the name of the server before it became a domain controller. I
>> suspect the system was hanging together due to netbios names - eek.
>> Mostly and for years running Debian 7, and samba 3 this was
>> accidentally reliable.
>> A quick fix is possible on the samba domain controller:
> Yes, but is this an NT4-style PDC or an AD DC ?
> It is probably a PDC, if so, can I suggest that as you have upgraded the
> OS, it might be a good idea to think about moving to Active Directory.
> Rowland
Your guess is right. It is a smb.conf security = user flavour domain ... with all the inherent historical configuration 

Ad is indeed possible but so far not needed.


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