[Samba] Samba AD DC autenticated by non-AD Kerberos (~ Re: Samba authentication using non-AD Kerberos?)

S P Arif Sahari Wibowo arifsaha at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 20 16:42:49 UTC 2017

On 2017-04-20, 07:46, Rowland Penny via samba wrote:
> I don't think you can.

It will be very sad if that's the case, since it means Samba is 
not adequate tool for this purpose. If we need to manage 
separate passwords database anyway, no difference than just have 
the Windows support person setup a Windows box to do the file 

I was hoping to convince decission maker to use Samba with real 
advantage to integrate with main LDAP/Kerberos ID management 
infrastructure. It will be sad to see that this is something 
that cannot be done by FOSS community.

> just what do you need to get to work with AD,

The LDAP/Kerberos is already established - extensively used and 
secured - so it won't go anywhere. I want to use Samba but it 
has to be integrated into existing authentication mechanism.

    ____  ____  ____  ____ (stephan paul) Arif Sahari Wibowo
   /___  /___/ /___/ /___      http://www.arifsaha.com/
  ____/ /     /   / ____/

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