[Samba] doubt

Luiz Guilherme Nunes Fernandes narutospinal at gmail.com
Mon Apr 17 15:39:33 UTC 2017

I added a linux server to the Active Directory domain, I realized that the
samba-winbind package uses the smb.conf file, but I also need to use the
same linux server with shares, if I install the samba package, this package
use the smb.conf file. Is there a solution?

Then i have problem with 2 services.

systemctl services:


My system is Centos 7.


< Disse-lhe Jesus: Eu sou o caminho, e a verdade e a vida; ninguém vem ao
Pai, senão por mim >
                                                             (João 14:6)

                                        ♪ ♫  Luiz Guilherme Nunes
Fernandes  ♫ ♪


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