[Samba] vfs_recycle on samba 4.3.9 as DC reset permissions

Markus Dellermann liml at use.startmail.com
Tue Jun 14 12:05:01 UTC 2016

Am Dienstag, 14. Juni 2016, 12:04:21 CEST schrieb Frank Treichl:
> Hi,
> I set up an Ubuntu 16.04 machine with samba 4.3.9 as DC.
> Everything works fine. I created users and groups with the Windows RSAT
> tools.
> I also set different group permissions on some shares over Windows.
> My Problem is now that I tried to enable the samba recycle bin:
> [mytest]
>          path = /data/samba/mytest
>          read only = No
>          vfs objects = recycle
>          recycle:repository = .recycle
>          recycle:touch = yes
>          recycle:keeptree = yes
> After enabling the module all permissions for this share where reset to
> the defaults (everyone can enter).
> If I now try to change the permissions for the share or an subfolder the
> permissions will reset in the moment I press apply.
> So after enabling the vfs_recycle module the permission system (Windows
> acl) does not work anymore for the particular share.
> Is this a known problem?
> Is there maybe an workaround available?
> Regards
> Frank Treichl

Do you have "vfs objects = acl_xattr" in your global section?
Please add it to your share and try again.
Im not sure, but i mean by adding vfs_objects to a share reset the global ones 
for this share.


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