[Samba] Use repadmin /showobjmeta would caused samba 4.3.0 fault

Sense Zeng opaperjam at gmail.com
Thu Oct 15 07:21:03 UTC 2015

> Quite likely it is.  Thankfully that routine appears to be only
> available to administrators.
> Can you please file a bug, with exact steps to reproduce (I couldn't
> get it to reproduce) and a gdb backtrace?
> You can mark comments and attachments private to the samba team in the
> bugzilla if you need to.
> Thanks,
> Andrew Bartlett

Thanks for the reply.
I reported the bug in bugzilla, but I don't exactly know how to gdb
backtrace. So I did not add attachments yet. I should add the
attachments when I figure out how to do it. Thanks a lot.

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