[Samba] ad dc demotion fails trying to use non-existent dc as 'partner server for the4 demontion'

Jonathan Detert jdetert at infinityhealthcare.com
Mon Mar 9 13:26:11 MDT 2015

I'm trying to demote dc3 from msad dc service.

As the root user, I type this command:

  samba-tool domain demote -Uadministrator

which fails with this error:

"Using dc2.infinity.local as partner server for the demotion"

The problem is that dc2 was demoted some weeks ago, and is no longer running samba4.

Is there a way I can force dc3 to use a different dc as the 'partner server'?

Or, is there a way I can clear dc2 out of the memory of dc3?

Or, would it be better to treat dc3 as though it were non-functional, and remove it from dc service via another way - e.g. the script mentioned here<https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Demote_a_Samba_DC#Demote_a_DC_that_isn.27t_accessable_any_more>?


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