[Samba] samba global catalog not defined

Agustín Dixan Díaz Corrales agustin.dixan at esilt.azcuba.cu
Thu Sep 4 05:41:06 MDT 2014

Hi agains....im new in samba4...so i have some errors..aparently after 
compiled all runs ok, i create my domain, create my user with admin 
privilege, add machines correctly..for that way all see ok..after 
install rsat, connected into my samba server start the problems...when i 
create a new user send me a kind of error (from w7 pc using rsat): (im 
spanish user sorry manual translate, it a resume of more important):

1- windows can check if user is the only one because the next error: 
server not funtional....windows create the acounts....check if global 
catalog is functional..

eventually create user but accesing user propties, label "member of": 
send me more error:
2- cant entablished contact with global catalog (GC), its necesary a 
global catalog to put a list....global catalog  it not online...etc

after that show me the group of that user...

why that??? ...is normal??

thanks agains

Administrador de Redes
Nodo Provincial ESILT

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           ,met$$$$$gg.        CPU: Intel Core i3-3220 CPU @ 3.3GHz
       ,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P.     RAM: 2GB
     ,g$$P""       """Y$$.".   Kernel: i686 Linux 3.2.0-4-686-pae
    ,$$P'              `$$$.   Packages: 3429
   ',$$P       ,ggs.     `$$b: Shell: bash 4.2.37
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    $$P      d$'     ,    $$P  DE: Gnome
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