[Samba] Samba 4 Create User Home Dir??
Michael Howard
mike at dewberryfields.co.uk
Sat Nov 29 12:11:49 MST 2014
On 29/11/2014 18:56, steve wrote:
> On 29/11/14 00:44, Greg Zartman wrote:
>> On Nov 28, 2014 2:10 AM, "Rowland Penny" <rowlandpenny at googlemail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> You can share it, you just cannot use individual paths to the users
>>> home
>> directories, it has to be whatever the default is or what you set the
>> template to. This is one of the reasons it is not recommended to use
>> the AD
>> DC as a fileserver.
>> Wow that is a major shortcoming. Many small businesses, home users, and
>> nonprofits don't need multiple boxes for their server needs. Seems
>> aweful
>> shortsighted to exclude this fairly large cross-section of users.
> Hi
> It's not so bad. If you only have one box budgeted, put the DC in a vm
> and use the real hardware for your file server.
> Cheers,
> Steve
Of course it's bad. It's either a DC or it's not. S4 is so far off mark
it's untrue. No real business would entrust it's environment to S4 would
it? They'd just go out and buy a MS licence or 3. Good for hobbyists.
home users and tinkerers but in the real world, no. It seems to me that
nobody considers the cost, in man hours, of maintaining a S4
environment. How can it be considered free?
Don't wish to start a flame war but I've spent many, many hours trying
to give S4 a chance to prove it can cut the mustard, but it can't. What
I find really strange is the anti linux client approach of its
developers. Hey ho, battens down hatches.........
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