[Samba] Correct syntax for --home-directory option in samba-tool
thoralf at linexus.de
Mon Nov 24 12:44:57 MST 2014
Thanks again, for all your suggestions. I think, I will update my script .
Anyway, my home dirs are not created when using samba-tool alone, e.g.:
samba-tool user add test19 geheimnis
--home-directory='\\elektra\home\thoralf' --home-drive='W:'
results in a correct data set for the user in ADUC, he just doesn't have
a home dir.
After I set the home dir for the user under Windows to
\\elektra\home\%username% the directory appears in my home share.
But that's fine with me. So, I benefit from samba-tool when adding lots
of users to my domain and from Windows ADUC when creating their home dirs.
Linux and Windows in perfect harmony ;-)
Am 24.11.2014 um 19:48 schrieb Marc Muehlfeld:
> Hash: SHA1
> Am 24.11.2014 um 19:17 schrieb Rowland Penny:
>> The OP is using a variable for the username, single quotes will not
>> work.
> You're right. I haven't seen that.
> for i in demo12 demo13 demo14 ; do
> samba-tool user add $i pass --home-directory='\\dc1\home\'"$i"
> done
> E. g. a could would prevent the necessity to escape the backlashes and
> allows the usage of variables. Many escaped backslashes are so
> crabbed. :-)
> Regards,
> Marc
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