[Samba] netshareenum 502 lists shares that don't exist
pisymbol .
pisymbol at gmail.com
Fri Nov 21 13:14:25 MST 2014
I have a Windows 2008 Server that when I do:
net -U Administrator%pass server.domain.com share
Lists what I see under Computer Management->Shared Folders on the server
(as well as net share under the Command Prompt).
However, when I do on a remote Linux client (samba-3.5.78.fc13.x86_64)
rpcclient -c 'netshareenum 2' server.domain.com -U Administrator%pass
I see extra non-hidden shares (no '$') of type STYPE_DiSKTREE that don't
actually exist on the server, i.e. I don't see the directories under
Windows Explorer
Any clue where to begin or why this is?
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