[Samba] Wrong charset on NTFS volumes (ext4 works fine)
Rowland Penny
rowlandpenny at googlemail.com
Wed Nov 19 03:19:15 MST 2014
On 19/11/14 10:11, Daniel Carrasco Marín wrote:
> El 18/11/14 a las 21:23, steve escribió:
>> On 18/11/14 20:51, Rowland Penny wrote:
>>> On 18/11/14 19:39, steve wrote:
>>>> On 18/11/14 19:58, Rowland Penny wrote:
>>>>> On 18/11/14 18:27, Daniel Carrasco Marín wrote:
>>>>>> El 18/11/14 a las 19:05, Jeremy Allison escribió:
>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 06:39:55PM +0100, Daniel Carrasco Marín
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> El 18/11/14 a las 18:25, Jeremy Allison escribió:
>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 12:19:31PM +0100, Daniel Carrasco Marín
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi, first of all i'm sorry for my english.
>>>>>>>>>> I've a little problem with samba 3.6.6 and NTFS volume. I've
>>>>>>>>>> mounted
>>>>>>>>>> an USB drive in NTFS format on my server, and all works fine
>>>>>>>>>> (characters are OK, i can create folders with accents or ñ like
>>>>>>>>>> "camión", "muñeca"...), but when i try to share that drive
>>>>>>>>>> through
>>>>>>>>>> samba, all special characters look wrong and i can't create any
>>>>>>>>>> folder with that characters...
>>>>>>>>>> I've a lot of shared folders in ext4 and all works fine, so i
>>>>>>>>>> think
>>>>>>>>>> that the problem is NTFS system.
>>>>>>>>>> I've tried some options like "dos charset", "unix charset" and
>>>>>>>>>> "display charset", mounting that drive with "ntfs-3g -o
>>>>>>>>>> iocharset=utf8", CP850... but nothing works.
>>>>>>>>>> Someone knows how to fix this?
>>>>>>>>> Doesn't seem like a Samba specific problem.
>>>>>>>>> What locale is set on your shell when
>>>>>>>>> you do an 'ls' and see correct names ?
>>>>>>>> The ls command looks fine, all characters are OK when i list files
>>>>>>>> or folders, even i can create files/folders with that characters
>>>>>>>> without problem. The problem is when i share that files/folders
>>>>>>>> through samba.
>>>>>>>> In locale i've all in "es_ES.UTF-8".
>>>>>>> Then you need to look at debug logs. Samba should
>>>>>>> be using the same iconv code that 'ls' is using
>>>>>>> internally.
>>>>>> Thanks for reply, i've changed the log to debug and I've seen
>>>>>> that and
>>>>>> filename looks fine:
>>>>>> pc007.old: smbd_dirptr_get_entry mask=[*] found _!-UNIDAD
>>>>>> H/__EIA-CAM-Planes-Urbanisticos-Inf-Publica/2014/140728 - PE
>>>>>> Tratamiento Afino ETAP - Gri*ñ*on fname=140728 - PE Tratamiento
>>>>>> Afino
>>>>>> ETAP - Gri*ñ*on (140728 - PE Tratamiento Afino ETAP - Gri*ñ*on)
>>>>>> I've tried to create a folder too, but here's where the filename
>>>>>> looks
>>>>>> wrong too:
>>>>>> check_reduced_name: couldn't get realpath for _!-UNIDAD
>>>>>> H/__EIA-CAM-Planes-Urbanisticos-Inf-Publica/2014/carpeta sin
>>>>>> t*�*tulo
>>>>>> Why characters are wrong in share?, because it happen in linux and
>>>>>> Windows explorers...
>>>>> Hi, are you sure that your 'ntfs-3g' has the option 'iocharset=' , I
>>>>> checked the version on my laptop and it doesn't show either with
>>>>> 'ntfs-3g --help' or 'man ntfs-3g'
>>>>> Rowland
>>>> Hi
>>>> Strange. Never tried on an all Spanish box but try with:
>>>> -olocale=en_US.UTF8
>>>> Si todavía no te va, pues dímelo y lo probaré todo en es_ES.
>>>> Salu2,
>>>> Steve
>>> hace ntfs-3g --help show iocharset
>> Hi
>> Yeah. locale. A real pain if your language is not English. Even worse
>> if you need a combination.
>> To force the mount, I think these days we need:
>> locale=
>> Just one other thing that comes to mind from many moons ago when we
>> had a wg was with the Spanish keyboard on windows, e.g. pressing the
>> Ñ without the shift lock was not the same as Alt0241 even though both
>> appeared on screen as ñ, only the latter was sent to the printer
>> correctly. We still have a dog-eared piece of paper on the notices
>> board:
>> á ALT0225
>> é ALT0233
>> í ALT0237
>> ó ALT0243
>> ú ALT0250
>> ñ ALT0241
>> ü ALT0252
>> But don't trust that. I'm sure it's changed several times since then.
>> Oh, and you couldn't have ñ in a filename or login name over samba as
>> I remember too.
>> HTH and do forgive the nostalgia,
>> Steve
> Hi again, the problem is near to be fixed.
> The problem was (of course) charset conf in global.
> In global i had:
> dos charset = 850
> unix charset = ISO8859-1
> And I've changed for:
> dos charset = CP850
> unix charset = UTF-8
> display charset = UTF-8
> and now is working fine in Windows and Linux explorers without
> problem, but i've seen that others shares have charset problems now...
> Is there any way to set the charset for every share instead global?
> Greetings!!
Hi, by setting something in the [global] section, it should affect
everything, so if you are now have problems with other shares it is
unlikely to be a samba problem. Could it be that the files in question,
have been saved with the old charset info and now you have corrected the
problem, they are being read with the new charset ?
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