[Samba] Tunning samba for better read performance
Daniel Carrasco Marín
d.carrasco at ttu.es
Wed Nov 19 02:21:20 MST 2014
Of course CPU speed and Drive speed are bottleneck but the download
speed is very slow even for a low end PC, maybe you have the same
problem i had.
What version of samba do you have? and, do you have any "audit" addon in
samba conf? (full_audit:...).
I got similar problem in a server with samba 3.5.6, upload speed was OK
but download speed was very slow, and the problem was audit addon. LAN,
HDD, and CPU usage was near to 5% but download speed was very slow.
El 19/11/14 a las 10:09, L.P.H. van Belle escribió:
> What mainboard is this? aka a bit more info on the hardware.
> It is a nas mainboard or something like that.
> Im getting 115Mb/s read and write from a windows 7.
> ( asrock E350 AMD board )
> 1Gb interface does not mean it can reach the max speed, cpu is also important in this,
> so for that we need more hardware info.
> I did a few of these :
> http://www.sysprobs.com/windows-7-network-slow
> 1 is the most important.
> 2 stops auto update, so dont do that.
> 3) possible, what you want.
> 4) not really needed.
> 5) what you want.
> 6) This can be a point to check, make sure you have the latest NIC drivers.
> and no changes at samba side for me. ( only the defaults from install )
> I get these speeds with : ( tested, and what is see in windows )
> samba 3.6.6 ( Debian samba ) stand server 115MB/s
> samba 4.1.6 ( Ubuntu samba ) stand server 108MB/s
> samba 4.1.13 ( Ubuntu sernet samba ) AD DC server 112MB/s
> Louis
>> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>> Van: jagannadh.teki at gmail.com
>> [mailto:samba-bounces at lists.samba.org] Namens Jagan Teki
>> Verzonden: woensdag 19 november 2014 8:19
>> Aan: samba at lists.samba.org
>> Onderwerp: [Samba] Tunning samba for better read performance
>> Hi,
>> I'm running samba server on board and client is windows 7.
>> I did below steps for performance tests.
>> + format /dev/sda1 with ext4
>> + mount the drive in server as mentioned in [media] path of
>> /etc/samba/smb.conf
>> + created a root password
>> $ smbpasswd -a root
>> + 1Gb ethernet interface from board.
>> + map the driver in windows
>> + did a 4gb robocopy
>> + read got 13MBps and write got 105MBps
>> Could any one suggest me any inputs why read got too slow, do
>> I need to look
>> at any config options in /etc/samba/smb.conf
>> thanks!
>> --
>> Jagan.
>> --
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Daniel Carrasco Marín
Técnicas Territoriales y Urbanas, S.L.
C/ Zurbano 92, 2º, 28003 Madrid
Tfno.: +34 91 571 93 46 (ext. 148) # Fax: +34 91 571 58 72
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