[Samba] Re: Re: DC2 denies access when saving
L.P.H. van Belle
belle at bazuin.nl
Mon Nov 3 05:54:52 MST 2014
Ok, this is an option also then.
I'll go test this also, and if this works better, then lets adopt it.
>-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>Van: rowlandpenny at googlemail.com
>[mailto:samba-bounces at lists.samba.org] Namens Rowland Penny
>Verzonden: maandag 3 november 2014 12:16
>Aan: samba at lists.samba.org
>Onderwerp: Re: [Samba] Re: Re: DC2 denies access
>when saving
>On 03/11/14 08:12, L.P.H. van Belle wrote:
>> Hai,
>> Guys, some extra understanding.
>>> This is what I cannot really understand, why use the rsync
>command at
>>> all, as it would seem that unison uses rsync itself to do
>the copying,
>> Rsync is use-ed to create the right direcotie structure with
>all the needed ACL and ATTRS.
>> Unison cant do that ( yet ) but unison can do bidirectional
>sync of files.
>> and together you get what we need.
>>> OK, after reading the unison manpage several times, I think
>I have it,
>> >from /root/.unison/default.prf remove 'perms=0' and add
>'owner=true' &
>>> 'group=true' . This seems to fix the problem.
>> That can be but should not be needed.
>> remember, that i dont look het the rights on linux, and
>mainly because of that sysvol
>> is only used for windows.
>> So idmappping not needed, rights, copied from DC1 to DC2 may
>see different, but !
>> not in windows.
>> and if you want it really only for windows, and dont look to
>much in the underlaying linux rights.
>> add : acl_xattr:ignore system acl = ye
>> last.
>> I saw something with errors on DC2 about when creating etc.
>> where the prileges set on the second DC?
>> Louis
>>> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>>> Van: rowlandpenny at googlemail.com
>>> [mailto:samba-bounces at lists.samba.org] Namens Rowland Penny
>>> Verzonden: zondag 2 november 2014 23:01
>>> CC: samba at lists.samba.org
>>> Onderwerp: Re: [Samba] Re: Re: DC2 denies access
>>> when saving
>>> On 02/11/14 17:10, Min Wai Chan wrote:
>>>> Hi Rowland,
>>>> You are correct...
>>>> Let us ask Louis...
>>>> Dear Louis,
>>>> Can help us on this?
>>>> Thank you
>>>> On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 12:54 AM, Rowland Penny
>>>> <rowlandpenny at googlemail.com
>>> <mailto:rowlandpenny at googlemail.com>> wrote:
>>>> On 02/11/14 16:00, Rowland Penny wrote:
>>>> On 02/11/14 15:29, ?icro MEGAS wrote:
>>>> Indeed, it deleted these two mentioned directories, it
>>>> also tried to delete the directory
>>>> {5F5181D6-325D-4566-8B2E-0292E9F4995B} but it
>wasn't able
>>>> to do so.
>>>> I played around a bit and actually in my opinion
>>>> rsync+unison is *not* behaving correctly as one would
>>>> expect. For example: I am creating a new file or
>>> directory
>>>> on dc2:/var/lib/samba/sysvol/mydom.example.com
>>>> <http://mydom.example.com> called "test"
>>>> After I run the rsync+unison command on DC1,
>this file or
>>>> directory called "test" gets deleted on DC2.
>That's not
>>>> what I would expect. What I expected is that this
>>>> file/directory would be copied from DC2 to
>DC1. The setup
>>>> works only in one direction at the moment,
>that mean when
>>>> I create something on DC1 it is successfully
>>> synced to DC2
>>>> but _not vice-versa_ :(
>>>> So in my opinion there is a misconfigured
>>>> How do we set this thing up so both directions work?
>>>> Mirco
>>>> You would seem to be correct, I rsync'd
>>>> to /var/test/samba and I have been testing with the
>>> later dir.
>>>> I run the line from the script (modified for
>change of path)
>>>> and my test sysvol was replicated to the second
>DC, so far so
>>>> good.
>>>> root at dc02:~# cd /var/test/samba//sysvol/example.com
>>>> <http://example.com>
>>>> root at dc02:/var/test/samba/sysvol/example.com#
>>>> <http://example.com#> ls -la
>>>> total 32
>>>> drwxrwx---+ 4 root 3000000 4096 Aug 12 10:41 .
>>>> drwxrwx---+ 3 root 3000000 4096 Aug 12 10:40 ..
>>>> drwxrwx---+ 4 root 3000000 4096 Aug 12 10:41 Policies
>>>> drwxrwx---+ 2 root 3000000 4096 Aug 12 10:40 scripts
>>>> I then created a new directory on the second DC dc02
>>>> root at dc02:/var/test/samba/sysvol/example.com#
>>>> <http://example.com#> mkdir Test
>>>> root at dc02:/var/test/samba/sysvol/example.com#
>>>> <http://example.com#> chown root:3000000 Test
>>>> root at dc02:/var/test/samba/sysvol/example.com#
>>>> <http://example.com#> ls -la
>>>> total 40
>>>> drwxrwx---+ 5 root 3000000 4096 Nov 2 15:38 .
>>>> drwxrwx---+ 3 root 3000000 4096 Aug 12 10:40 ..
>>>> drwxrwx---+ 4 root 3000000 4096 Aug 12 10:41 Policies
>>>> drwxrwx---+ 2 root 3000000 4096 Aug 12 10:40 scripts
>>>> drwxrwx---+ 2 root 3000000 4096 Nov 2 15:38 Test
>>>> I then ran the line from the script again on dc01
>>>> root at dc01:~# rsync -XAavz --delete-after -f"+ */" -f"- *"
>>>> /var/test/samba/sysvol root at DC02:/var/test/samba &&
>>>> /usr/bin/unison
>>>> building file list ... done
>>>> sysvol/example.com/ <http://example.com/>
>>>> deleting sysvol/example.com/Test/
>>>> sent 973 bytes received 15 bytes 658.67 bytes/sec
>>>> total size is 0 speedup is 0.00
>>>> Contacting server...
>>>> Connected [//dc01//var/test/samba ->
>>>> Looking for changes
>>>> Waiting for changes from server
>>>> Reconciling changes
>>>> Nothing to do: replicas have not changed since last sync.
>>>> If I now check if the new directory is still there:
>>>> root at dc02:/var/test/samba/sysvol/example.com#
>>>> <http://example.com#> ls -la
>>>> total 32
>>>> drwxrwx---+ 4 root 3000000 4096 Aug 12 10:41 .
>>>> drwxrwx---+ 3 root 3000000 4096 Aug 12 10:40 ..
>>>> drwxrwx---+ 4 root 3000000 4096 Aug 12 10:41 Policies
>>>> drwxrwx---+ 2 root 3000000 4096 Aug 12 10:40 scripts
>>>> It has been removed and I think I understand why, rsync is
>>>> removing it:
>>>> building file list ... done
>>>> sysvol/example.com/ <http://example.com/>
>>>> deleting sysvol/example.com/Test/
>>>> So how do we stop rsync removing anything that is
>not on the
>>>> first DC ????
>>>> Rowland
>>>> OK, got past that problem, remove '--delete-after'
>from the rsync
>>>> command. Now for the next problem, the test dir is
>not deleted on
>>>> the second DC, but when unison syncs it to the first DC,
>>> it is set
>>>> as belonging to 'root:root' even though it belongs to
>>>> 'root:3000000' on the second DC.
>>>> Rowland
>>>> --
>>>> To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL
>>> and read the
>>>> instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba
>>> OK, after reading the unison manpage several times, I think
>I have it,
>> >from /root/.unison/default.prf remove 'perms=0' and add
>'owner=true' &
>>> 'group=true' . This seems to fix the problem.
>>> Rowland
>>> --
>>> To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
>>> instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba
>OK, I am testing on a test dir '/var/test/samba', I rsync'd
>/var/lib/samba/sysvol' to the test dir and then tested copying between
>my two DC's.
>My '/root/.unison/default.prf' now looks like this:
># Unison preference file
># Synchronization roots
># This machine
>root = /var/test/samba
># Remote machine
># Note the 2 x / behind DC02, they are required
>root = ssh://root@DC02//var/test/samba
># Path to synchronize
>path = sysvol
>#ignore = Path stats ## ignores /var/www/stats
># copymax & maxthreads params were set to 1 for easier troubleshooting.
># Have to experiment to see if they can be increased again.
># removed --compress from following two lines, z is --compress
>copyprog = /usr/bin/rsync -XAavz --inplace
>copyprogrest = /usr/bin/rsync -XAavz --partial --inplace
>copyquoterem = true
>copymax = 1
>Running 'rsync -XAavz -f"+ */" -f"- *" /var/test/samba/sysvol
>root at DC02:/var/test/samba && /usr/bin/unison' syncs
>'/var/test/samba/sysvol' to the second DC.
>If I add another dir inside '/var/test/samba/sysvol' and run
>the command
>again, the dir is then synced to the second DC.
>If I add another dir inside '/var/test/samba/sysvol' on the second DC
>and run the command again, the dir is then synced to the first DC.
>I now have two identical directories, one on my first DC, the other on
>the second DC, if I run 'getfacl' on any of the directories or
>files, I
>get exactly the same results, all the directories & files are owned by
>the same user & group.
>This is, in my opinion, better than having files owned by different
>users on different DC's.
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>instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba
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