[Samba] Join AD fails DNS update

Rowland Penny rowlandpenny at googlemail.com
Thu Jun 26 04:28:34 MDT 2014

On 26/06/14 11:18, Lars Hanke wrote:
> I dug into the code of bind to check where the error occurs, and it 
> seems we misinterpreted its meaning. Not an issue of bad wording, but 
> us ignoring proper punctuation. :(
> Jun 24 15:24:44 samba named[7248]: client updating 
> zone 'ad.microsult.de/NONE': update unsuccessful: 
> samba4.ad.microsult.de/A: 'RRset exists (value dependent)' 
> prerequisite not satisfied (NXRRSET)
> It does mean that some RRset is required to exist, but it does not! 
> (see RFC2136). Unfortunately, the message doesn't state which set 
> fails. Since prerequisites are optional, I assume that SAMBA_DLZ 
> explicitly sets these fields. Any idea why or what it requires?

What have you got in the systems main logfile (syslog on debian)

> Furthermore, I sent the original reply to Rowland's message from the 
> wrong e-mail address, i.e. it was not accepted by the list. Since it 
> has some useful information, I append it here to share my research:
> Thanks Rowland, this gives a more comprehensive view.
> > The problem is probably that you are only searching on port 389, try
> > this search:
> > ldbsearch -LLL -x -h localhost -p 3268 -b "DC=example,DC=com" -s sub -D
> > "CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com" -w <ADpassword>
> The syntax looks like ldapsearch instead of ldbsearch,

OOPS, yes you are right.

> but yes this search returns the DNS entries maintained by the AD DC. 
> It does not contain any entry for a machine called samba4, i.e. the 
> error that it cannot be added since it exists already is wrong, remember:
> client updating zone 'ad.microsult.de/NONE': 
> update unsuccessful: samba4.ad.microsult.de/A: 'RRset exists (value 
> dependent)' prerequisite not satisfied (NXRRSET)
> Still the only entity about the joined machine is:
> ldapsearch -LLL -x -h localhost -p 3268 -b "DC=ad,DC=microsult,DC=de" 
> -s sub -D "CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=ad,DC=microsult,DC=de" -W | 
> grep -i samba4 | grep ^dn:
> Enter LDAP Password:
> dn: CN=samba4,CN=Computers,DC=ad,DC=microsult,DC=de
> The process logging the error is named, but it claims to propagate an 
> error from within samba_dlz.
> ... and we learned that the DNS records except root servers are not 
> stored in sam.ldb. 

Yes they are, you just cannot see them in a normal search.

> However, a construct like:
> for f in `find / -type f -name '*.ldb'`; do echo File: $f; ldbsearch 
> --url="$f" | grep -i samba | grep ^dn: ; done
> showed it's in
> but no, there's no trace of any machine called samba4 in it.

What ever you do, DO NOT EDIT


If you do, you will probably destroy your domain, only edit sam.ldb.


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