[Samba] samba4 replication issues | sam.ldb inconsistency

mourik jan heupink - merit heupink at merit.unu.edu
Wed Jul 16 00:28:15 MDT 2014

Hi Marc, list,

> Try transfering it first.
All roles transferred successfully. Then I shutdown my dc1, and booted 
up and logged on to a workstation: "there were no logon servers 
available to service your request". This is when I started sweating. :-)

Then I restarted samba on my dc2, and after that I WAS able to logon. 
Wew, I never expected to have to restart samba...?

> The roles are basically just values in the AD. Depending on the
> remaining working replication, we will see if it works.
All three dc's show the same fsmo info now, so also the corrupt dc1 
knows all roles are on the dc2 now.

I guess in this state, I can leave the dc1 running for a bit? I don't 
like doing many big things in a row.

> You have to demote the broken DC:
> https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Demote_a_Samba_DC
> You should try this first, to get old GUIDs, etc. out of your directory.
Yep, I will do that in a few hours, or even tomorrow or so. First see 
how this new dc2/dc3 setup behaves.

> But demoting with samba-tool only works on the DC, you want to demote
> currently. Demoting foreing DCs doesn't work (see the linked bug report).
> If the demote was successful, you should be able to join the fresh DC1
> again.
Right, I'll reinstall the dc1, but just out of curiosity: if I removed 
all files below /var/lib/samba, I would basically already have a fresh 
installation, right?

Thanks very much for your kind assistance through all this mess.

Mourik Jan
> Regards,
> Marc

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