[Samba] Groups and ldap

Noël Köthe noel.koethe at credativ.de
Thu Jan 23 08:02:05 MST 2014


Am Montag, den 20.01.2014, 09:25 +0100 schrieb Fredrik Gustafsson:

> I've a working samba configuration with shares mapped to groups with
> "valid users = @smbusers". It all works fine with tdbsam as a backend.
> Now I've switched to ldapsam as a backend. I've a working openldap
> server that my windows machines authenticate to. Each user is also a
> linux-user but linux does not use ldap but /etc/passwd.
> However the groups in does not work and I can't access the shares with
> "valid users = @smbusers". I've also tried to have "valid users =
> @HOSTNAME/smbusers" without success.
> How is the correct way to specify a ldap group to authenticate to?

Yes. "valid users = @groupname" ist the correct share option.
Are your groups listed in "getent group"?

Regards / Noch einen schönen Tag

        Noël Köthe

Noël Köthe

credativ GmbH, HRB Mönchengladbach 12080
Hohenzollernstr. 133, 41061 Mönchengladbach
Geschäftsführung: Dr. Michael Meskes, Jörg Folz, Sascha Heuer
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