[Samba] DomainDnsZone Replication Shows 200,000 Objects

lp101 lingpanda101 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 15 07:01:01 MST 2014

     Found this link interesting


The hot fix link you posted sounds like my issue.

On 1/15/2014 12:15 AM, Günter Kukkukk wrote:
> Am 14.01.2014 03:56, schrieb Günter Kukkukk:
>> Am 13.01.2014 23:47, schrieb Achim Gottinger:
>>> Am 13.01.2014 18:39, schrieb lp101:
>>>>      It looks like 15,000 records have been deleted over a period of 8 hours. This was after changing the attribute to 30 days. Do you know how to
>>>> force replication for the Domain DNS Deleted Objects? Replicating the DominDnsZones using Samba-tool drs replicate doesn't appear to replicate these
>>>> objects.
>>>>      I've attempted to join a DC again over a 1.5Mbit Wan link using Samba 4.1.4 on Ubuntu 12.04. At this moment I'm over 19hrs in with 312355/385196
>>>> replicated. I joined using "--domain-critical-only" thinking it may exclude these items but I was wrong.
>>> Thank you fro the update. Can it be you have an few sites whom are not directly connected? This does slow down replication. Hope it works for you this
>>> time, but didn't it fail at ~350000 objects last time?
>> FYI - the samba ISC bind DLZ plugin does a different approach.
>> When all child DNS entry are gone, it _leaves_ the directory storage as:
>> (sambatool dns query .... output)
>> Name=mytest, Records=0, Children=0
>> So the record is _not_ deleted - more or less "left as an unused entry".
>> Those entries can be re-used later, but can also accumulate when not
>> being re-used.
>> As i've seen with a windows7 client during normal operation, it deletes
>> its A and AAAA records and then registers one/both again in some interval
>> of about 5 to 10 minutes! (Could be due i was running the MS MMC DNS plugin).
>> This behavior is atm handled fine with the DLZ driver - but is somewhat FATAL
>> for the internal DNS server: It creates LOTS of deleted dns entries!
>> So i've reverted the patch
>>       8b24c43b382740106474e26dec59e1419ba77306
>> which was deleting the whole dns entry.
>> After this revert the internal dns server behaves the same as the DLZ driver and
>> leaves those
>>     Name=mytest, Records=0, Children=0
>> records around - BUT THEN the current implementation is NOT able to add
>> new incoming records!
>> https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9559
>> Atm i did a very first simple patch to the internal dns, which allows
>> to add new entries in that
>>    Name=mytest, Records=0, Children=0
>> formerly failing state.
>> Now the internal dns _seems_ to behave similar to the DLZ driver, but
>> more investigation is needed because dns entries can be "static" or
>> "time stamped" ....
>> So i'm still looking at all related infos ....
>> Btw - has someone seen "strange" behavior in this area when the
>> DLZ driver is used?
>> Cheers, Günter
> Atm i'm trying to collect as much info as possible.
> Can someone comment on this article/patch ?
>     http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2548145/en-us
> Cheers, Günter

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