[Samba] ERROR: Could not retrieve the actual domain, forest level and/or lowest DC function level!

Thomas Harold thomas-lists at nybeta.com
Thu Jan 9 08:06:44 MST 2014

Doing some basic sanity checks on our Samba4 setup (migrating off of a 
Win2000/Win2003 AD) and the following command is throwing an error.  Not 
sure how to troubleshoot this as most other things seem to be working.

# samba-tool domain level show

ERROR: Could not retrieve the actual domain, forest level and/or lowest 
DC function level!


We are running the Sernet Samba package for Active Directory mode:

Installed Packages
Name        : sernet-samba-ad
Arch        : x86_64
Version     : 4.1.3
Release     : 7.el6
Size        : 26 M
Repo        : installed
 From repo   : sernet-samba-4.1

The smb.conf file is the minimum, so we are taking default values for 
most things.

# cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
# Global parameters
         workgroup = EXAMPLEGROUP
         realm = intra.example.com
         netbios name = EXAMPLEHOST
         server role = active directory domain controller

         interfaces =

         dns forwarder =

         path = /var/lib/samba/sysvol/intra.nybeta.com/scripts
         read only = No

         path = /var/lib/samba/sysvol
         read only = No

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