[Samba] samba 4.1.3 - testsuite - target st/s3dc faild drop box log attached

support at remsnet.de support at remsnet.de
Sun Jan 5 06:09:02 MST 2014

Hello samba List Fellows,

im on way to rpmbuild  samba DC 4.1.3( master tarball from ~26.12 ) ,
The testsuite failed at st/s3dc  see https://www.dropbox.com/s/quzxliivp44k0by/samba-dc-4.1.3.log.11
Log been to long to include it here .

May one have an idea what  caused this ?

How i exclude or  ignore  failed test modules ?

Any Hints are welcome.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards

Horst Venzke ; PGP NET : 1024G/082F2E6D ;  http://www.remsnet.de

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