[Samba] smbstatus issue in v4.1

Mark Nienberg mnlists at tippingstructural.com
Wed Dec 17 16:12:05 MST 2014

In Samba 4.1 I get the following output for smbstatus:
Samba version 4.1.1

PID       Username      Group         Machine
2482      john          Everyone   (ipv4:
7364      george        Everyone    (ipv4:

In Samba 3.6 it was like this:
Samba version 3.6.24

PID       Username      Group         Machine
15102     paul          Everyone      ath64x2-5400-1 (
13245     ringo         Everyone      i7x4-42g-1   (

You can see that in 4.1 the Machine column gives me the ip address instead
of the actual machine name. I use this information in various scripts and I
would like to have the machine name back again.

Is this a configuration issue on my part or a problem with smbstatus?


Please update your records with my new email address.

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