[Samba] User disappears, when enabling RC2307

Rowland Penny rowlandpenny at googlemail.com
Fri Aug 8 15:35:33 MDT 2014

On 08/08/14 22:10, Lars Hanke wrote:
>>> I copied the idmap entries from another client, which perfectly maps
>>> the users:
>>> root at nfs4:/# id mgr
>>> uid=1001(mgr) gid=10000(domain_users)
>>> Gruppen=10000(domain_users),30001(BUILTIN\users)
>>> Yes, the user has uid and uidNumber set properly.
>> uid and uidNumber are different, uid is the users name, uidNumber is the
>> users ID number, is this how you have them set ?
> Understood. uid is identical to sAMAccountName, and uidNumber is 1001. 
> As said, it works nice on a second client.
>> OK, you have added the users with their original ID numbers to AD, but
>> have you
>> a) removed all the users from /etc/passwd
> They never existed on the NAS. There is no uid 1001 on the NAS. There 
> are however default users, which fall into the range, but do not clash 
> with any number existing in the AD. I'm not yet sure how to deal with 
> these default accounts.

Just what default users? can you post the smb.conf from the NAS ?

>> b) joined the NAS to the domain.
> I did that on the DSM GUI and it reported success. But I don't know 
> what it did under the hood. Is there any way to verify whether the 
> join was successful?

Can you get to a terminal on the NAS, if so you could run 'net ads testjoin'


> Regards,
>  - lars.

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